The People’s Summit was a gathering of international Civil Society groups from across the world that came together in New York in 2019. Concerned that the impact of the climate crisis on all of our lives, and most importantly, on the lives of those most at risk and already affected by the climate crisis was seldom making it on the public and international agenda, the purpose was to reflect, share and act to place human rights at the core of climate activism to demand immediate, bold, people-powered and human rights-consistent action of unprecedented scale to address the climate crisis.
The People’s Summit was a gathering of international Civil Society groups from across the world that came together in New York in 2019. Concerned that the impact of the climate crisis on all of our lives, and most importantly, on the lives of those most at risk and already affected by the climate crisis was seldom making it on the public and international agenda, the purpose was to reflect, share and act to place human rights at the core of climate activism to demand immediate, bold, people-powered and human rights-consistent action of unprecedented scale to address the climate crisis.
The Collective for Climate Rights, an outgrowth of the People’s Summit, has since worked on establishing the processes and projects to strengthen the climate and human rights movement.
As COP26 recently took place, the Collective organized a 24 hour/one day online global video marathon on 5th November 2021, starting in Fiji and ending in Hawaii, on the eve of 5 days of action in Glasgow and across the world to ensure that space was created for all of us to testify of the impact of the climate crisis on our lives and demand that global leaders take action to protect our human rights.
The collective for climate rights a decentralized group of climate justice activists that work to strengthen partnerships and collaborations between grassroots, national and international organizations to campaign for climate action that respects and promotes human rights through:
- Strengthening individual and organizational capacity
- Providing a space to exchange learnings, to develop joint campaigns and facilitate in-depth conversations on specific issues
- Providing visibility for campaigns; &
- Diversifying and co-powering the climate and human rights movement by acting in solidarity & by amplifying people’s power & agency
Current Activities:
- Supporting case Studies that highlight how climate change impacts the human rights of local communities across the globe;
- Organized an interactive COP 26 video marathon to get communities and activists across the globe to communicate their demands around COP26 and human rights.
The collective meets on the last Wednesday of the month at 15:00 UTC (11:00 EST). Questions can be directed to climaterights4all@gmail.com
“Hands off Our Rights, Hands off Our Planet!” online Global Video Marathon!
On 5th November 2021 people from all over the world took part in the first ever Global Online Video Marathon. They posted 1 minute videos to tell world leaders at COP26 in Glasgow how their inaction on climate is violating our human rights!
The Marathon has now come to an end, but you can still WATCH and SHARE the Marathon Video Gallery by clicking on the button below.
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Video Marathon supported by:

Association for Women’s Rights in Development (AWID)